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The workplace problem solvingslideshow is a digital resource with audio to show students how to solve problems at work. It uses easy reading language and lots of fun and engaging cartoon style imagery to keep students engaged and focused.


Problem solving at work can be challenging for life skills and transition students, but this fun and engaging slideshow makes it easy! It's perfect for introducing key problem solving at work concepts to your students - before they spend time in a real workplace.


What's inside?

There are 20 slides in the slideshow. Each slide includes audio to support differentiated learning. 


What to do

Introduce workplace problems to your students. Give examples and talk about situations that have occured during work placements, community activities or in the learning setting, 

Discuss strategies for solving problems - focus on thinking of options then choosing the best option to solve a problem. Talk about employability skills and how the ability to solve problems is an important workplace skill for the future. 



Images are from the ever wonderful Ron Leishman of Digital Toonage.

Workplace problem solving slideshow for life skills and transition teens


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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