This workplace safety slideshow is perfect for building real world work skills with a Horticulture theme, as well as providing practice in essential functional literacy skills for the workplace.
Many young people find their first jobs in horticulture, and lots more complete volunteer work in community gardens, state and national parks and on local conservation projects. Working in horticulture is a great option for building work skills and mastering important employability attributes, but it can be dangerous. Young people need to know how to recognise hazards, understands risks and use suitable controls to ensure they can work safely. This slideshow is aimed at young people who are completing transition or vocational education and training, or who are in life skills, work experience or horticulture specific programs where they are working outdoors using basic hand tools and completing simple gardening tasks.
The Horticulture Safety Slideshow includes information about:
- safe use of hand tools
- working from ladders
- avoiding cuts and scrapes
- bee stings
- working around dust
- use of PPE
- star pickets
- mowing hazards
Each topic includes three slides:
- What the hazard is
- How to reduce the risk
- A case study of a real-life scenario
The slides are written in an easy-to-read style and are perfect for readers who prefer simple, straightforward sentences and a lower reading level.
Each slide includes audio, to provide extra scaffolding support for young people with developing literacy skills.
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You are permitted to use this resource with your own class, group or teaching load. Please encourage other teachers to purchase their own copy.