Water safety for teens is full of fun safety activities and printables to build safety skills for summer. Your life skills, pathways, vocational and transition students will enjoy learning about being safe outdoors while finding out about safety strategies, risk management, scenarios, rescues and more.
What's inside?
Topics include:
- beach hazards
- sun safety
- risks and controls
- using a risk matrix
- understanding simple dry rescues
- making good decisions around water
- fiction narrative with a water safety / rescue theme
- comprehension questions and activities
- word finds with answers
The water safety activities and printables included in this 32 page ebook are differentiated to make it easy to meet a range of learning needs in a single class or group - perfect for multi ability classes such as VCE VM or Pathways, and Transition Education groups.
Who is it for?
The resource is useful for:
- Teens and young adults
- Outdoor Education
- Life Skills
- Transition Education
- VCE VM and Pathways
Terms of use
Please enjoy using this resource with your own students and encourage other teachers to purchase their own copy. The images and graphics are protected by copyright legislation - please respect the rights of the artists who have created them.
The water safety for teens activities and printables ebook is available as an editable version to support students with specific learning requirements.
Email banksiapublishing@gmail.com to request a copy if needed.
Extent and format
32 pp A4 portrait format
Extend the learning with the recreation and leisure slideshow
Your Pathways and Transition students will love learning more about leisure and recreation planning and activities, and you will love how easy it is to deliver a whole unit of work with one simple slideshow!