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These leisure and recreation activities and task cards are great for helping your life skills, transition and vocational students build communication, teamwork, planning and organizing and problem solving skills in a practical, easy to use format. Scaffold the learning with key vocabulary, idea prompts and simple reading tasks, to help students get ready for recreation and leisure activities in the community. The task cards fit well with life skills and transition education learners who are completing community based instruction (CBI) activities outside the classroom.


What's inside?

  • A 'here’s how' page so you can see exactly what to do with your students.
  • A teacher / trainer information page
  • A student response template page.
  • A vocabulary page with useful words for students to cut and paste or copy onto their response page.
  • A page of sources of information for finding answers to questions and solving problems.
  • A page of ideas for solving problems related to recreation activities.
  • 32 task cards with a short recreation problem or challenge and a question or prompt.

What to do:

  • Print a copy of the response page for each student or group.
  • Check each group has scissors, glue stick and a pen or pencil.
  • Show students how to access the online resources they may need (such as local sports club website or an online timetable for the bus or train in their area).
  • Work with students to select a suitable task card.
  • Print and share the vocabulary and sentence helper pages for each student or group.
  • Have students read the task card then find the key words and concepts within the text.
  • Allow time for students to cut, paste and write their ideas into their response page.
  • Share their ideas with the whole class or group, then begin again with a new task card or swap with another group.


Terms of use

Please respect my rights as author to the work I have created, as well as the rights of the clip artists whose work is included. You are free to use the Leisure and Recreation Activities and Task Cards for Life Skills and Transition resource with your own students in your own classes or groups. Do not share with other teachers or upload onto a shared folder or drive. Do not resell these resources

Recreation and leisure task cards and activities


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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