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Teaching life skills maths to students in Life Skills, Transition, Work Education and Vocational programs can be a challenge! Many teen and young adult students are looking for maths which is relevant to their daily life at home and in the community - in areas like fractions, decimals, graphs, tables, money skills and time. They have moved beyond worksheets which were written for younger age groups and are ready for maths which they can use in their own lives.


Real World Maths has been written to help teachers in life skills to support students with special needs to feel empowered and capable as learners preparing to transition into the adult world.


What's inside?


  • 78 pages of copiable / printable worksheets for students
  • learning suggestions and ideas
  • learning strategies suited to students with dyslexia and dyscalculia
  • information on working memory skills

Real World Maths includes life skills focussed content for the topics of:

  • money
  • time
  • space, shape and design
  • converting fractions, decimals and percents
  • maps, distances and directions
  • building working memory skills in maths.


Please note measurements are in metric units.


Who is it for?

Real World Maths is ideal for students

  • who have dyscalculia
  • are returning to learning after a period away
  • have missed critical periods of maths development
  • have a learning or intellectual disability
  • are learning in a support or remedial maths class.


These students can struggle in the mainstream maths classroom, even with scaffolding and extra support.


Finding content that is suitable for older learners but which fits with their level of skill, making content relevant and meaningful, developing customised all takes time. In a busy special needs, mainstream or life skills classroom, with limited allocation for resource development and planning time and a constant need for data recording and IEP updates, that can be time a busy teacher doesn't have.


The content and language are suited to teaching life and vocational basic maths skills to teens and young adults.


Terms of use:

You are permitted to use this ebook with your own students in your own class, group or program. Please do not share or distribute this book to other teachers or trainers and do not place it on a share drive or share folder online. If you respect the copyright protections that exist under law, then teacher creators are able to continue making the resources they do for the benefit of all students.

Real world maths - building skills for diverse learners


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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