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Your Life Skills, Vocational Major and Transition students in Years 10-12 will enjoy beginning their work preparation journey by learning about employability skills. The employability information pack helps students understand employability skills - what they are, how to develop them and why they are important for their career.


What are employability skills?


Employers often look for young people who can demonstrate employability skills such as:

  • communication
  • teamwork
  • creativity and innovation
  • technological skills
  • entrepreneurship
  • problem solving


Many students struggle to understand employability skills, and focus instead on the technical and practical skills which relate closely to specific job areas. But we know that what employers are really looking for is young people who come already equipped with great employability skills that can be applied to any workplace.


These are the skills which are sometimes seen as the 'softer' skills - things like being able to communicate with a diverse range of people or to apply creativity and innovation to solve a workplace problem. In the modern workplace, employability skills are essential and should be introduced in the senior years before students begin building their resumes and applying for jobs.


What's inside?

The employability skills information pack for students in Year 10-12 contains 15 print ready pages of easy reading information and activities for teens. It's written in language that works for young people, and includes easy to do activities that ensure success - and task completion!


Terms of use:

Please enjoy using this resource with your own students and suggest other teachers purchase their own copy. Do not upload onto a share drive or share on social media groups. 



This resource is also included in the Employability Skills Bundle.

Bundles are a great way to save on your purchases!

Employability skills information pack for teens


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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