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Your Life skills and transition students will enjoy using these food price task cards with dollars and cents to practice place value in life skills math in high school. Build independent living skills by talking about foods to compare and buy, or practice choice making and comparison skills using dollars and cents for real world place value skills.


What's inside?

The food with prices vocabulary cards includes 40 food task cards with a choice of 2 options to compare the price using dollars and cents amounts so students can work with place value as well as whole numbers for costs.


What to do:

Simply print and go for easy task box self directed learning, or as part of your individualized teaching to meet student learning goals for comparing whole dollar amounts. Students can color, point or place a counter on the circle to show their choice.


There are multiple games and activities you can do with high school life skills students, including:

1. reading the text and price

2.learning about place value through real world shopping items

3. making shopping lists or key word sentences using items from the cards

4. comparing prices in dollars and cents

5. choosing which food item costs more

6. comparing the food items with prices in an online or print catalogue

7. visiting a supermarket or farmer's market and finding prices of items


Your students may also enjoy using the food vocabulary cards with prices to support their learning.

Compare prices in dollars and cents task cards


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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