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Your Life Skills, Transition and ESL students will love building their reading and real world maths skills with these brand new modified Christmas recipes from around the world. There are easy reading, picture-based recipes from many different countries, so it is easy to use this resource to teach students how Christmas is celebrated in other countries. Each recipe has the name of the country and the flag included. It is the ideal resource for students who prefer strong visual cues to support their emerging reading skills. 


The simple step-by-step methods and picture cues make teaching these recipes a breeze in special education, life skills or transition classes.


Just print, collect the ingredients and you are good to go!


There are recipes for:

  • USA - Hot chocolate
  • United Kingdom - Easy mince pies
  • Germany - Lebkuchen cookies
  • Australia - Pavlova
  • Italy - Butter cookies
  • Scotland - Shortbread
  • Spain - Mantecados
  • South Africa - Malva pudding
  • Norway - Rice porridge
  • Canada - Butter tarts
  • Brazil - Potato salad
  • Mexico - Christmas eve salad


Supervision and learning support

Remember that close supervision is critical for cooking with students in a Life Skills, Transition or Special Education setting. Make sure you have a good teacher to student ratio and that you plan carefully. Collect the ingredients and utensils before you begin cooking, and ensure your students follow the steps and your instructions carefully. Be aware that some recipes use the oven, hot plate or microwave and some require the use of a sharp knife.


Building ESL Vocabulary

ESL learners will enjoy learning Christmas vocabulary with visual supports in the recipes. They can also share ideas, stories and reflections about Christmas in their family and explain how food is shared and enjoyed.


Cultural Awareness

Take the time to learn, think and understand the experiences of your students and to be aware of the different cultural needs and backgrounds of the learners in your class. The resources in this activity may not be suitable for your class, or you may need to discuss and share information about different experiences with your students. Find out what Christmas means for the high school life skills learners in your class - it may not be the same as what it means in your own life.

Christmas recipes around the world for life skills


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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