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Your Life Skills, Pathways and Transition high school students will love these new summer learning activities to help prevent the holiday learning slide! With fun and engaging learning activities centred around key themes, there is lots to encourage self paced learning with a simple learning checklist approach.


The active learning activities will promote independence at home and in the community, and are quick and easy for students and families to complete, with limited adult support.


The set of active learning grids has everything you need to build on those independent skills you have worked so hard to develop during the school year. It's a bit like a bingo grid with a difference - instead of passively finding or clicking on a square, there is a summer learning activity to complete, with each one related to a central theme. It's a great way of encouraging students to take charge of their own learning and decide for themselves what they want to do, when and for how long. Rather than you directing the learning, you are simply providing an easy to read prompt and enabling them to take charge of the activity.


Although this sounds straightforward, for many students with additional learning needs, the autonomy and self direction needed to complete a task without lots of direction is far harder than doing it with step by step instructions.


What's inside?

There are seven topics included:

1. Active Math

2. Sport and Fitness

3. Community

4. Exploring outdoors

5. Photography

6. Cooking

7. Household Chores


Each topic has several printable options:

•Full color with 24 tasks

•Full color with 18 tasks

•Black and white with 24 tasks

•Black and white with 18 tasks


There is a printable self reporting page for students to complete so they can reflect on their achievements.

There are two blank grids for you to create your own set of learning tasks.


What to do

Choose one or more of the active learning task grids to share with students. Read through the tasks and talk about any resources they will need. Send the included letter home to families to explain how the learning grids can help keep students engaged and build independent learning skills at home and in the community. Assign one or more of the grids to each student, or make your own using the blank template. Explain how to tick or shade each square when it is finished, and how to use the reflection page to write and draw about the learning tasks.


You can choose to use one active learning checklist per week over an extended holiday period, or send several home with each student during the break. The active learning checklists are also handy for unexpected periods of home learning, or for supporting students who are working on their community based independence skills.

Active learning checklists for holidays


    Banksia Publishing 2024

    Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

    ABN 50090020906

    All rights reserved 2024.

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