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Finding work - it's tough out there!

Real World Education

Young people face an uphill battle when it comes to finding work. Across Australia, youth unemployment is at record levels in some communities. For youth in outback and rural areas, unemployment can see them out of work for extended periods of time, creating a knock on effect when it comes to buying major purchases like cars or a first home, or even being able to move out of home and into a rental property. Here are some handy tips to help with finding that elusive first job in a challenging workforce market:

Stay positive

It's easy to feel down in the dumps when you have been out of work for a while. Try to stay positive (always easier said than done!) by thinking about the things you can do, maintaining social networks and making sure you build in some exercise and 'you' time.

Use your networks

Chat to people you know already and focus on building a strong, supportive network of people around you who are in your corner. These people can help with staying positive and mentally strong, and also with passing on suggestions or contacts that can help you find work.

From little things, big things grow

Although a couple of hours at the local store may seem like a poor imitation of a full time job, it's still great to do. Once you have some work happening each week, it is easier to build on this and add extra hours when they are available. You may need to work for more than one employer for a while, but before you know it your hours will be adding up and you will be taking home a much healthier looking pay cheque each week.

Train up

Add basic work skills to your set of talents, so that you have some ready made assets to take to a workplace. Although it may cost you a little to pay for courses such as First Aid, Food Handling or Responsible Service of Alcohol, it is worth it in the long run as you are a more attractive proposition for an employer.

Social media assets

Social media is a skill set that is often held easily by young people, but is an area where some employers are not so

Stay positive and connected while you're searching for work

confident. You can use your own social media skills to help a new employer to market their own business, construct a blog, share posts online and extend their reach into new sales areas. Of course, it is also smart to check out your own social media profile to make sure you are not revealing more of yourself to a potential boss than you realised...



Banksia Publishing 2024

Anne Vize Writing at Banksia Publishing

ABN 50090020906

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