Contact Me
As an education writer, I love to hear your ideas and requests for new life skills and transition education resources to support young people with special needs to build their independent living skills, access the community and succeed in the workplace.
Reach out if you have a question about a resource, would like to suggest something special for your Life Skills, Transition Education or Vocational classroom or if you need more information about special education strategies for older students - we are happy to help!
Purchase Orders and School Enquiries
If you would like to place a purchase order, please use the following details:
Anne Vize
ABN 50090020906
Phone 0447 907 771
Send your purchase order to
Include the email address you would like the resources sent to.
The resources will be emailed directly to you, along with an invoice for payment.
Free employability skills checklists

Would you like a free set of employability skills checklists to take the hard work out of assessing where your life skills, vocational and pathways students are up to with employability skills? This quick and easy to print and go resource is perfect for less capable readers who prefer Easy English and a straight forward design.
Drop your contact details below then download your free employability skills checklists resource to use with your life skills, vocational and pathways students.